Loss of facial volume is a natural result of the aging process. Areas of the face may begin to lose their structural support as natural collagen production declines, along with an individual’s youthful appearance.
Facial volume loss is one of the major indications of an aging face, however, it can also cause a younger face to appear older and thin.
The process of losing facial volume is gradual and estimated that individuals can lose 20% to 50% of facial fat during the natural aging process.
Volume loss is most evident in certain parts of the face, such as around the eyebrows. Where a fat reduction can reveal the shape of the eyebrow bone that was previously concealed.
A skeletal appearance around the eyebrow and cheek region, lips that shrink and lose volume, and the skin that appears more wrinkled, thinner, and not as moisturized are all signs of facial volume loss.
A loss of volume in facial fat can cause a young, full face to appear older and thin. The chubby cheeks often seen on healthy babies or younger people aren’t always the result of excess weight gain but represent a smooth and firm face that hasn’t yet experienced any kind of decline in the health of its soft tissue.
🤔 There are many reasons that a full and round face shape can begin to lose volume, appearing sunken and more skeletal.
👇 A loss of fat in the facial region can happen due to:
📌the natural aging process — lost collagen and reduced, shifting facial fat,
📌weight loss and extreme dieting
📌over-exercising & “Gym Face”
📌sun exposure
📌hormone changes
📌facial bone and muscle decrease
📌smoking & nicotine use
📌trauma and injury
📌severe illnesses, medical conditions, and medical treatments
❓How to prevent volume loss?
✓ One of the best ways to not deal with a face that has lost a lot of volume is to try and prevent the facial volume loss from occurring in the first place.
✓ Some preventative practices include avoiding the sun, not smoking, and healthy diet and lifestyle habits.
✓ Here is a piece of good news, facial volume can be restored or maintained by receiving a Facial Therapy Massage.