Thanks for sharing nice articles Larissa 🙏
Love can give a new soul to sex. Then the sex is transfigured, it becomes beautiful; it is no longer sex, it has something of the beyond in it. It has become a bridge.
You can love a person because the person satisfies your sex. This is not love, just a bargain. You can make sex with a person because you love; then sex follows just like a shadow, part of love. Then it is beautiful; then it is no longer of the animal world. Then something of the beyond has already entered, and if you go on loving a person deeply, by and by sex disappears. Intimacy becomes so fulfilling, then there is no need for sex; love is enough unto itself. When that moment comes then there is the possibility of prayerfulness dawning upon you.
When two lovers are in such a deep love that love suffices and sex has simply dropped – not that it has been dropped, not that it has been suppressed, no. It has simply disappeared from your consciousness not leaving even a scar behind; then two lovers are in such total unity… Because sex divides; the very word sex comes from a root which means division. Love unites, sex divides. Sex is the root cause of division.
When you make sex to a person, woman or man, you think it unites you. For a moment it gives you the illusion of unity and then a vast division suddenly comes in. That's why, after every sex act, a frustration, a depression sets in. One feels that one is so far away from the beloved. Sex divides, and when love goes deeper and deeper and unites more and more, there is no need for sex. Your inner energies can meet without sex, and you live in such a unity. 🙏