Massage for Relaxation — Therapy for Stress Relief or Neck & Shoulder Pain?

3 min readJun 12, 2021
Massage for Relaxation — Therapy for stress relief or neck & shoulder pain?

Massage for Relaxation Light or Deep Pressure?

There can be little doubt as to what to expect when you ask for a Massage for Relaxation. It is usually known as a soft, gentle, more smooth kind of therapy that feels relaxing. However, some clients ask for Massage for Relaxation expecting profound pressure therapy. Many of these clients may have had a prior massage therapist who gave a deep tissue massage but called it Massage for Relaxation. To have your demand best met is better to discuss your desired therapy result and pressure at the time of booking an appointment.

How does Massage for Relaxation help?

Massage for Relaxation benefits by applying long gliding strokes to relax the whole body. The massage therapist will apply pressure to soft tissues in the direction of your heart — flushing the blood towards your heart. That improves blood flow can sense a relaxing tingling feeling. One of the advantages of improving blood circulation is that toxins can be eliminated from the muscles, soft tissues, and tendons. Toxins can make you feel irritated, heavy, or acidic so, having them cleaned away can feel quite soothing in itself. The fresh flow of blood also carries oxygen and nutrients that repair, freshen up, and refresh the cells of the soft tissues. There are other health benefits of massage therapies.

Stress Relief Massage

Life can seldom give you deadlines, challenges, and people’s responses that can wind you up. During such events, we tend to hold up our muscles tight and hold our breath. After a stressful time, we start breathing normally. There is often an accumulate of tension in our muscles that remain. Stress experienced over a long period can occur in your muscles becoming hypertonic — losing their capacity to shift by themselves. Massage can disclose this round neurologically as touching the unresponsive muscles re-establishes the association with the brain, and the tissue can be shift again. It takes less energy for the body to sustain a relaxed muscle state making a higher sense of calm and relaxation.

Pain Relief Massage

Pain is the body’s method of informing us that something is incorrect or in a state of condition. Muscular pain reason is acidity — lactic or carbonic acid will sit in soft tissues. Those are too close to allow the blood to be flushed through them and cleansed. Acid can disturb the tissue giving pain signs to the brain. Massage for Relaxation can smoothly release muscle tension. And allowing blood to simply cleanse, soothe, and rejuvenate damaged tissues.

When to Schedule a Massage for Relaxation?

There is a proverb that prevention is better than cure. Massage can be one of the most pleasant experiences to receive. It can also be painful! When we book a massage in response to pain. Being proactive, however, can occur in receiving a massage at an excellent period when it feels entirely relaxing and therapeutic. There are also other factors such as the time of the day that is most suitable for you. Some people feel relaxed after a massage and like to book their appointment for the early morning to provide them an excellent start to the day. Some people can feel sleepy or tired of the whole day and find that a late evening massage appointment time helps them have a magnificent night’s sleep. Unusual massage users can feel sleepy from their toxic release, while regular massage users may experience no adverse perceptions. It is good to schedule your massage appointment after exercise as oppos to beforehand as the advantages of relaxed muscles can be immediately eroded during your gym exercise.




APURVAM is a Meditation and Massage Training School in India. Our objective is to help others live a fuller, healthier, more conscious life.