Listening as Meditation

2 min readJun 28, 2021


Listening as Meditation

The Art of divine listening. And that’s what meditation is. If one can learn how to listen rightly, one has learned the deepest secret of meditation. People hear but they don’t listen. Hearing is one thing — listening, altogether different; they are worlds apart. Hearing is a physical phenomenon; you hear because you have ears. Listening is a spiritual phenomenon.

You listen when you have attention when your inner being joins with your ears. And once you have learned how to join your inner being with your ears, you can join it with any sense. It can be joined with the eyes or with the nose or with the sense of touch or taste, and slowly slowly you can join it with all your senses simultaneously. In that moment, god is available. But it is easier to start with the ears.. particularly for you it will be easier. So, start on a journey of diving listening.

Listen to the sounds of the birds, the wind passing through the trees, the river in flood, the ocean roaring and the clouds, the people, the far-away train passing by, the cars on the road — each sound has to be used. And listen without any imposition on what you listen to — don’t judge; the moment you judge, listening stops. If you say ‘good’ or bad’, ‘I like it’, ‘ I don’t like it,’ you are no more listening; you have taken an attitude, and whenever one takes an attitude attention disappears. Attention lives only when you have not made a conclusion.

The really attentive person remains without conclusion; he never concludes about anything. Because life is a process — nothing ever ends. Only the foolish person can conclude; the wise will hesitate to make conclusions. The conclusion is possible only when everything has come to an end, and nothing ever comes to an end: it goes on and on forever. So, listen without conclusion. Just listen — alert, silent, open, receptive. Just be there, totally with the sound that surrounds you.

And you will be surprised: one day suddenly the sound is there, you are listening, and yet there is silence. It is true silence that happens through sound.
Escaping to the mountains is of no help; that silence is false.
The real silence has to happen in the marketplace, surrounded by all kinds of sounds and yet silent within, utterly silent.
That pregnant silence becomes the door to god.

Sharing the words of my master.🙏




Written by APURVAM

APURVAM is a Meditation and Massage Training School in India. Our objective is to help others live a fuller, healthier, more conscious life.

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